Program 169:
After 1st Run for Area of Triangle:
After 2nd Run for Area of Square:
After 3rd Run for Area of Circle:
After 4th Run for Area of Rectangle:
After 5th Run for Area of Parallelogram:
#include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> main() { int choice; printf("Enter\n1 for Triangle\n2 for Square\n3 for Circle\n4 for Rectangle\n5 for Parallelogram\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: { int a,b,c; float s,area; printf("Enter sides of triangle\n"); scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); s=(float)(a+b+c)/2; area=(float)(sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))); printf("Area of Triangle with sides %d,%d,%d is %f\n",a,b,c,area); break; } case 2: { float side,area; printf("Enter Sides of Square\n"); scanf("%f",&side); area=(float)side*side; printf("Area of Square is %f\n",area); break; } case 3: { float radius,area; printf("Enter Radius of Circle\n"); scanf("%f",&radius); area=(float)3.14159*radius*radius; printf("Area of Circle with radius %f is %f\n",radius,area); break; } case 4: { float len,breadth,area; printf("Enter Length and Breadth of Rectangle\n"); scanf("%f %f",&len,&breadth); area=(float)len*breadth; printf("Area of Rectangle is %f\n",area); break; } case 5: { float base,height,area; printf("Enter base and height of Parallelogram\n"); scanf("%f %f",&base,&height); area=(float)base*height; printf("Enter area of Parallelogram is %f\n",area); break; } default: { printf("Invalid Choice\n"); break; } } }Explanation:
- The Program starts with initializing:
- choice → To store users choice
- a,b,c → used for triangle sides which are taken from user(local variables which work only inside that particular case i.e. "case 1")
- side,area→ used for calculations of Square(local variables which work only inside that particular case i.e. "case 2")
- radius,area→ used for calculations of Circle(local variables which work only inside that particular case i.e. "case 3")
- length,breadth,area→ used for calculations of Rectangle(local variables which work only inside that particular case i.e. "case 4")
- base,height,area→ used for calculations of Parallelogram(local variables which work only inside that particular case i.e. "case 5").
printf("Enter\n1 for Triangle\n2 for Square\n3 for Circle\n4 for Rectangle\n5 for Parallelogram\n"); scanf("%d",&choice);
Taking users' choice.Lets say 1.So choice=1switch(choice) {
Which means the choice taken from user is passed to switch which then compares with all the case numbers and if it finds a match then that particular case is executed.- Learn Switch case in detail CLICK HERE.
- After execution of that case it wont check with remaining case which are under that case.
- case 1: as it doesnot match
- Then it will check case 2:,which is also not a match.
- Then it will go and check case 3:. Now it finds a match,so the case 3: statements are executed.
- After execution we have a break; statement at last which causes the termination of switch case and comes out of switch case. So it doesnot check with case 4: and case 5:
- If the choice doesnot match with anyone of the cases then it executes default statement.
- As from our we took choice as 1 and case 1: is executed
case 1: { int a,b,c; float s,area; printf("Enter sides of triangle\n"); scanf("%d %d %d",&a,&b,&c); s=(float)(a+b+c)/2; area=(float)(sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))); printf("Area of Triangle with sides %d,%d,%d is %f\n",a,b,c,area); break; }
The case has a few variable which are local variables.Compiler takes a,b,c values from user to calculate area with formula as you are seeing in the code.Final output is stored in area variable. - Area is printed and switch case is terminated.
- In this way it happens to every run as given below.
For Example:Here we have 5 cases and if the users' input is 3 then the compiler checks with
After 1st Run for Area of Triangle: