Program 308: Store Contacts in Text file using C
//Coming Soon...
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> #include<ctype.h> int GetValidContactOrNot(char contact[]); main() { int choice,i,flag,j=1; char contact[10],name[20],storeContact[100]; do{ if(choice==1) { printf("Enter Name\n"); fflush(stdin); gets(name); printf("Enter Mobile Number\n"); fflush(stdin); gets(contact); flag=GetValidContactOrNot(contact); if(flag==1) { FILE *contactFile; contactFile=fopen("contactlist.txt","a"); char c; if(contactFile==NULL) { printf("Contact File Not Found\n"); exit(0); } else { strcpy(storeContact,"Name : "); strcat(storeContact,name); strcat(storeContact,"\n"); strcat(storeContact,"Contact : "); strcat(storeContact,contact); strcat(storeContact,"\n"); fputs(storeContact,contactFile); fputs("----------------------------------------------------\n",contactFile); printf("Contact has been added Successfully\n"); } fclose(contactFile); } else { printf("Invalid Contact Number.It should contain only numbers and should have 10 digits\n"); } } if(choice==2) { FILE *contactFile; contactFile=fopen("contactlist.txt","r"); char c; while(1) { if(contactFile==NULL) { printf("Contact File Not Found\n"); } else { c=fgetc(contactFile); if(c==EOF) break; printf("%c",c); } } fclose(contactFile); } printf("Press\n1 - Add Contact\n2 - View Contact List\nany other number to exit\n"); scanf("%d",&choice); }while(choice==1 || choice==2); } int GetValidContactOrNot(char contact[]) { int i,flag; if(strlen(contact)==10) { flag=1; for(i=0;i<strlen(contact);i++) { if(!isdigit(contact[i])) flag=0; } } else { return(0); } return(flag); }Explanation: