Program 27:
#includeExplanation:<stdio.h> main() { int dec,temp,i,j=1,binary=0; printf("Enter a numer to convert to binary number\n"); scanf("%d",&dec); temp=dec; while(temp!=0) { i=temp%2; binary=binary+(i*j); temp=temp/2; j=j*10; } printf("Binary number of %d is %d\n",dec,binary); }
- The program starts with initializing :
- dec → To store decimal number
- temp → To store dec temporarily
- i,j →used as helping variables
- binary → To store resulted binary value
printf("Enter a numer to convert to binary number\n"); scanf("%d",&dec); temp=dec;
Takes input from user and stores in dec which is in turn stored in temp for future reference.Lets take dec=10,so temp=10. -
while(temp!=0) { i=temp%2; binary=binary+(i*j); temp=temp/2; j=j*10; }
This is the main logic of this program.Lets take dec=10- Iteration 1: temp=10 and 10!=0 which is true so the while loop executes
- i=temp%2 → 10%2 → i=0
- binary=binary+(i*j) → 0+(0*1)→ binary=0
- temp=temp/2 → 10/2 → temp=5
- j=j*10 → 1*10 → j=10
- Final values are:i=0,binary=0,temp=5,j=10.
- Iteration 2: temp=5 and 5!=0 which is true so the while loop executes
- i=temp%2 → 5%2 → i=1
- binary=binary+(i*j) → 0+(1*10)→ binary=10
- temp=temp/2 → 5/2 → temp=2
- j=j*10 → 10*10 → j=100
- Final values are:i=1,binary=10,temp=2,j=100.
- Iteration 3: temp=2 and 2!=0 which is true so the while loop executes
- i=temp%2 → 2%2 → i=0
- binary=binary+(i*j) → 10+(0*100)→ binary=10
- temp=temp/2 → 2/2 → temp=1
- j=j*10 → 100*10 → j=1000
- Final values are:i=0,binary=10,temp=1,j=1000.
- Iteration 4: temp=1 and 1!=0 which is true so the while loop executes
- i=temp%2 → 1%2 → i=1
- binary=binary+(i*j) → 10+(1*1000)→ binary=1010
- temp=temp/2 → 1/2 → temp=0
- j=j*10 → 1000*10 → j=10000
- Final values are:i=1,binary=1010,temp=0,j=10000.
- Iteration 5: temp=0 and 0!=0 which is false so the while loop terminates
printf("Binary number of %d is %d\n",dec,binary);
- Final Out is printed which is binary=1010
- Iteration 1: temp=10 and 10!=0 which is true so the while loop executes