Program 183:
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#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<string.h> main() { int i,*j,**k; i=45; j=&i; k=&j; printf("Values in variables\n"); printf("Value in i %d\n",i); printf("Value in j which is the address of i %d\n",j); printf("Value in k which is the address of j %d\n",k); //Lets see what is the real address of i,j,k printf("Addresses\n "); printf("Address of i which is value in j %u\n",&i); printf("Address of j which is the value in k %u\n",&j); printf("Address of k %u\n",&k); //printing using pointer printf("Using Pointers\n"); printf("Value in i %d\n",*(&i)); printf("Value in i %d\n",*j); printf("Value in i %d\n",**k); printf("Value in j %d\n",*(&j)); printf("Value in j %d\n",*k); printf("Value in k %d\n",*(&k)); }Explanation:
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