Program 245:
Pre Explanation:- By Default a Static Variable is '0' So no need to initialize a,b,c.
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#include<stdio.h> void Vote(int choice); main() { int n,stop; do{ printf("1)Vote A\n2)Vote B\n3)Vote C\n"); scanf("%d",&n); if(n>0&&n<=3) { Vote(n); } else{ printf("Enter Valid input\n"); } printf("Enter 1 or any number to continue else 0 to finish Voting and find who won the Vote\n"); scanf("%d",&stop); }while(stop); Vote(stop); } void Vote(int choice) { static int a,b,c; if(choice==1) { a++; } if(choice==2) { b++; } if(choice==3) { c++; } printf("Votes for A=%d\n",a); printf("Votes for B=%d\n",b); printf("Votes for C=%d\n",c); if(choice==0) { if(a>b&&a>c) { printf("A won with votes of %d\n",a); } if(b>a&&b>c) { printf("B won with votes of %d\n",b); } if(c>b&&c>a) { printf("C won with votes of %d\n",c); } } }Explanation:
Pre Explanation:- By Default a Static Variable is '0' So no need to initialize a,b,c.
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